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Why choose LNFI?

We know that choosing a school for your child is a big decision. Here are some reasons why we love our school. We hope you will, too.

Academic Excellence 🎓

Our students receive personalized learning experiences and small group instruction designed to help them excel. Homeroom teachers, specialists, assistants, and native French-speaking interns help L’Etoile maintain a lower student-to-educator ratio and promote academic advancement.

Historically (including post-pandemic), L’Etoile du Nord students show high standardized test scores, exceeding both district and state averages.

Immersion Learning Benefits 🧠

Research consistently shows that learning another language (especially at a young age) is linked to:

  • Higher academic achievement (through standardized test scores)
  • Improved cognitive development, including critical thinking and problem solving
  • More positive attitudes towards the cultures and peoples associated with the language being learned

Why Choose French? 🌎

French is a global language! Knowing the French language can open up the world for your child.

  • It is the second most learned foreign language after English, and the fifth most widely spoken language in the world.
  • It is an official language in 29 countries across 5 continents.
  • It provides excellent grounding for learning Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian.
  • It is also a good base for English learners, as much of English vocabulary is derived from French.

Enrichment Opportunities 🎻

L'Etoile du Nord has a selection of enrichment activities to encourage students' talents and interests to flourish.

Throughout the year, we host after-school extracurricular courses through Community Education, such as fencing, art, and chess. The Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies' Harmony program provides sliding-scale instrumental lessons to 2nd-5th grade students.  Other enrichment opportunities include Lego League, Girls on the Run, soccer, and Afoutayi Haitian dance.

To learn more about enrichment at LNFI, click here.

Before and After School Care 🕗

Extended-day care is provided by Discovery Club, located in our building. Discovery Club is a fee-based Community Ed program and is available to PreK-5 students before and after school, as well as on non-school days. Discovery Club opens at 6:30 a.m. and closes at 6:00 p.m.

To learn more about Discovery Club at LNFI, click here.

Free Bussing 🚌 

Saint Paul Public Schools provides free bussing to and from L'Etoile du Nord for families living within Saint Paul city limits. For families who live outside of Saint Paul, there are a few options for student transportation:

  • Some families choose to drive their child to school each day.
  • Other families select an SPPS bus stop closest to their home, and simply drive their child to the bus stop.
  • Arranging a carpool with LNFI families in your neighborhood is another mode of transportation to consider.

To learn more about bus transportation at LNFI, click here.

Family Involvement 🏠

All families of L’Etoile du Nord students are integral to our school community.

Whether volunteering to support your child’s teacher or participating in our Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO), we invite everyone to share their gifts and talents. Family involvement supports students’ academic success and deepens their sense of community engagement.

To learn more about the PTO at LNFI:

Want to learn more about L'Etoile du Nord?



Our principal