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English Language Learning

At L'Etoile du Nord, we love language and diversity! We value the home languages, cultures, and experiences that our students and families bring to our school community.

L'Etoile du Nord has the honor to teach over 100 students who are enrolled in English Language Learners (ELL). With families from all over the world, our ELL students speak languages at home such as Spanish, French, Hmong, Karen, Arabic, Swahili, Haitian Creole, Somali, Nepali, Burmese, Yoruba, Lingala, and more. We have an amazing multi-lingual community at LNFI!

ELL students receive services targeted at building English language proficiency along with strong foundations in academic areas. Not only do we support our ELL students to be successful in school, but we also encourage our ELL students to be successful contributors to the community.

At L'Etoile du Nord, our ELL team consists of:

What is ELL?

English Language Learning (ELL) services are provided through collaboration between classroom teachers and ELL specialists.

Learners acquire English through participation with their classmates in age-appropriate, academic activities. English language instruction must be aligned with and integrated into grade-level curriculum, and differentiated to make content accessible to students at all levels.

In order to effectively teach language through academic content, classroom and ELL teachers work together.

Our belief in the benefits of collaborative instruction for ELLs has developed based on numerous factors.

  • Research suggests that the most successful ESL program models have students learning English in the mainstream classrooms.
  • Professional learning communities (PLC), or school environments where teachers learn and reflect together, have been shown to increase student achievement.

  • The number of English language learners in the Saint Paul Public Schools has changed dramatically in the past ten years. It is no longer practical to provide supplemental English language instruction in a pullout instructional model.

  • Students must be exposed and have access to mainstream curriculum and resources as soon as they arrive in the United States.

Parent Networks

Parents and community members have opportunities to engage with district staff through various parent advisory committees hosted through thet Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships.  We invite you to contact us and join in on any of the parent advisory committees below.

Latino Consent Decree (LCD) Latino Parents Advisory Council (LCD PAC)

Hmong Parents Advisory Council (HPAC)

Karen Parent Advisory Council (KPAC)