Fifth Grade
In 5th Grade, L'Etoile du Nord students complete their last year in our program with the Science Fair, lots of field trips, and a "buddy room" partnership with a Pre-K classroom. Students also have the option to take a two-week trip to France with LNFI teachers.
5th Grade Teacher
5th Grade Overview
- STAMP French Test by district
- Monthly Reading Genre Projects
- Science Fair
- AILA Immigration Essay Writing Contest
- Preparing for Middle School
5th Grade Daily Schedule
- Morning Tasks/Breakfast
- Morning Meeting
- Math (in English)
- French Literacy
- Lunch
- Small group time
- English Literacy/Social Studies
- Recess
- Specialist (Science, Sports, Art, STIMA)
5th Grade Highlights
- Planting projects with Watershed District
- Afton Alps Ski Trip
- Deep Portage overnight camping trip
- Belwin Environmental Center
- Bdote (sacred Dakota places)
- Trip to France
- Buddy Room partnership with Pre-K