In Kindergarten, students learn French through song, dance, games, and play. Students begin to explore phonics and basic math skills.
Kindergarten Teachers
Kindergarten Program Overview
- Three K classes (9:30am-4pm)
- Jump Math curriculum
- Discovering Our World Early Childhood curriculum
- Full Immersion in the classroom
Kindergarten Daily Schedule
- Ease into the Day/Breakfast
- Morning Meeting/Circle Time
- Phonics
- Reader’s Workshop
- Writer’s Workshop/Active Learning Centers/Playtime
- Lunch
- Recess
- Specialist (Art, Gym, STIMA, Science)
- Math-Whole group and small groups
- Snack and closure
Kindergarten Program Highlights
- Field Trip to the Apple Orchard
- Field Trip to the Como Planetarium
- Field Trip to Gibbs Farm
- Fall and Spring Festivals
- 100th Day celebration