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1760 Ames Place
St. Paul


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Clerk's Corner

The office is the heart of the school. Our office staff work hard to assist families with important tasks such as enrollment, transportation, and information forms.

Office Clerk:

Alan Stump, alan.stump@spps.org


Office Info:

  • Office Hours: 8:45 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.

  • Office Phone: 651-744-6970

  • Attendance Line: 651-744-6973

School Times:

  • School Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

  • Parent Drop Off: 9:15 - 9:30 a.m.

  • Parent Pick Up: 3:45 - 4 p.m.


Back-to-School Forms

One parent or guardian from each household is expected to complete their child(ren)'s Back-to-School forms each year. These forms ensure that you receive proper services, eligible transportation, and important communications from your school. These forms also indicate whether or not your child has permission for technology use, field trips, and media (class photos, yearbook, etc.).

To complete your Back to School Forms, log into Campus Parent online.

  • If you do not know your user name or forgot your password, you can reset them here.
  • Filling out the forms can be tricky. View these step-by-step instructions for help.
  • A VERY IMPORTANT thing you do when you fill out these forms is TRANSPORTATION. The default is your home address in St. Paul. 
  • If you are struggling to complete the forms, you can call the Family Support Line at 651-603-4348 or familysupport@spps.org.

Educational Benefits Application

It is critical that ALL families complete an Application for Educational Benefits each school year, even if you do not think your family qualifies for this program. Application for Educational Benefits determine how much funding our school receives for educational programs, supports and technology. Additionally, eligible families and students can qualify for additional benefits, explained here.

End-of-Day Changes

  • If you know that your child's dismissal transportation will be different, you must CALL (not email) the office before 3:00 pm. We cannot honor changes after 3:00 pm unless it is an emergency.

  • If someone else is picking up your child, you must provide permission in writing to the office by sending a written note or emailing alan.stump@spps.org and CCing the classroom teacher.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is an important part of student success. Missing less than nine days of school each year helps students to stay engaged, experience success in their schoolwork and keep on track to graduate on time.​ We recognize there are many reasons a student may be absent from school. If your child is ill and you don't know if they should stay home, check SPPS’s illness guidelines at spps.org/studentwellness.

If your child will be absent, choose a method of notifying our school:

  • Send an email to alan.stump@spps.org and CC your classroom teacher
  • Call our Attendance Line at 651-744-6973

If we do not receive notification from you before 10am, your child will be marked absent and you will receive a robo-call from the district letting you know that your child is absent. Communication between home and school is vital to a positive school experience. More information about consistent attendance can be found at spps.org/attendance

Guidelines for Student Travel

Whenever possible, travel should be completed during established vacation times to limit the number of instructional days that a student misses. If a student will be missing school due to travel, the following requirements must be met for the absences not to be counted as truant, and to save the student’s space:

  • Minimum prior notification of two weeks
  • Complete the  Student Travel form  and return to your child’s teacher. The teacher will then submit the form to the LNFI Principal for approval. Once approved, you will receive a signed copy of this form.
  • All homework given by the classroom teacher must be completed. If a student fails to hand in completed homework upon their return to school, the absence will automatically be counted as unexcused.

Please note: Approval for travel may be denied if the student is significantly behind in their schoolwork and/or there are concerns regarding excessive tardiness or absences.

Pay Fees Online

If you need to pay a fee for a field trip or a background check, you are welcome to pay online by going here.


Safety is a top priority at our schools. L'Etoile du Nord French Immersion has an Emergency Operations Plan that is created specifically for our school and regularly reviewed. Families receive communication home when an incident directly impacts their students, such as a lockdown. Exterior doors are always locked and all visitors must sign in the front office with Mr. Stump. Families, students and staff can use the MySPPS app to “Send a Tip” and confidentially report unsafe behaviors to SPPS Security and Emergency Management (SEM). Every tip is taken seriously and acted on right away. Learn more at spps.org/safety.