Health & Wellness
Healthy kids learn best! SPPS Health and Wellness provides health services to students to enhance educational achievement by removing health-related barriers to learning to the best of our ability. Here is some information from our Health & Wellness staff at L'Etoile du Nord.
L'Etoile du Nord Health & Wellness Staff
- Health Assistant Stephen Pike on site every day
- Licensed School Nurse Michelle Lessard on site 2 days per week
Early Childhood Screening (Age 3 - K)
- Free at SPPS
- Helps identify barriers for learning
- Required by law for public school students
- Current documentation required by SPPS
- SPPS excludes students until documentation is completed
Health Conditions
- Forms with signatures are required for ALL medication at school
- Yearly medical forms for conditions that require treatment at school, including potential emergency conditions\
- Email our nurse Mme Lessard at She speaks both Spanish and English. You can also call her at 651-744-4426.
- Visit the SPPS Health & Wellness website