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Bienvenue! As a parent or guardian of a L’Etoile du Nord student, you are automatically part of the PTO! We recognize that family involvement supports student’s academic success and deepens their sense of community engagement.

Who We Are:

The L'Etoile PTO is a community of parents and teachers coming together to build, strengthen, and support educational, enrichment, and extra-curricular opportunities within a Francophone environment for L’Etoile du Nord French Immersion school students.

When We Meet:

PTO Meetings are held once a month via Zoom. At the start of the school year, we will send out a survey to determine the best day/time that works for most families. Check the calendar to confirm meeting dates and times. All parents are welcome!

What We Do:

  • Provide resources for students, teachers and classrooms through direct funds that support classroom and grade level activities 

  • Host social, fundraising and teacher appreciation events to unite and build community 

  • The Intern Program is fully supported by the PTO. The program is 100% family funded and brings French-speaking interns into the classroom for the year to assist teachers. 

Get Involved:

There are many ways to participate in the PTO depending upon what works for you: 
  • Attend monthly meetings to discuss related topics and learn more about upcoming events. 

  • Join the PTO Board, join a committee or volunteer one time at one of the many annual events and fundraisers 

  • Host an intern! Host families provide room, board and immersive cultural experience for our teaching interns.

Annual Events:

  • Direct Donation, LNFI Eats, Fun Run & Plant Sale fundraisers

  • Spring & Fall Book Fair and Teacher Appreciation Meals

  • Carnival des Citrouilles and Kermesse seasonal festivals

  • Soirée Gastronomique et Culturelle, Open Gym & Campus Clean Up

Money raised by the PTO fully funds the intern program, supports visiting artists, field trips, teacher appreciation activities, and special classroom projects.

Download the PTO App & Directory:

Families are encouraged to join our school directory designed to connect students & families outside of the classroom. Directory access is limited to those that sign up. No information will be made publicly available or distributed. Download our app for quick access to the directory and receive monthly newsletters with PTO updates. Get started with the app here:

LNFI PTO Directory App

Want to learn more and get connected with PTO?