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Volunteers are the backbone of our program at L'Etoile du Nord. With the help of volunteers, we are able to offer students more experiences and projects that spark learning and keep school fun.

Want to volunteer at our school? Great! We appreciate your help!

Families can volunteer in a number of places and durations. You can volunteer in the classroom, at field trips, in the office or library, with PTO, and at special school events. You can volunteer one time or on a weekly basis. You can even volunteer from home preparing materials for the teacher! We value the time and effort that our volunteers donate to L'Etoile du Nord.

Background Check Process

All applicants applying for a volunteer position with Saint Paul Public Schools must complete the Volunteer Application and a Volunteer Background Investigation Permission and Release Form. The permission and release form allows the District to complete a criminal background investigation for each applicant. If a criminal background investigation is required for the volunteer assignment, it will have to be successfully completed before the volunteer is able to begin providing service at the school.

To complete the background check process:
  1. Complete the background check application.  Send a printed copy to school or email the PDF to alan.stump@spps.org
  2. Pay the $12 background check fee. You can send cash or check to school, or pay online here.
  3. Wait until you hear back from your classroom teacher or M. Stump that you have been cleared.

Thank you for helping us to ensure the safety and security of all our students.

Interested in volunteering?

Please contact your child's classroom teacher or our main office for volunteering opportunities.